číslo účtu MPP 9999922/0800

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Bělá – Botanically remarkable site located in Bouzovské highlands in Central Moravia. A combination of wet and dry meadows, where many species of sedges and other rare and protected plants occur.

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Cihelna Chmeliště / Brickyard Chmeliště – Abandoned brickworks in Kutná Hora region with several small lakes, which are home to a number of remarkable animals and one rare carnivorous plant – bladderwort.

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Čtyřicítka – A well-preserved forest bog with rare species of plants and animals in Jindřichův Hradec region.

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Dobšena – A typical orchid meadow in the northern part of the White Carpathians.

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Chvojnov – Areas related to the nature reserve of the same name nearby Jihlava are foundations for the planned revitalization, which will allow numerous wetland bird species and other rare animals to return.

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Ještěrčí ráj / Lizard Paradise – Thermophilous hillsides with abundant reptiles, insects and several rare species of plants above the left bank of the River Elbe near the village of Brod.

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Jindřišské údolí/ Jindřiš Valley – A romantic valley in Jindřichohradecko region with preserved scree and fir forests; rocks and floodplain meadows that provide home for many rare species of plants; animals; insects and fungi.

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Jinošovské údolí/ Jinošov Valley – A picturesque valley in Podblanicko region with five ponds and waterlogged meadows, where a number of interesting plants grow and dozens of bird species live.

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Kamenec – Meadows, shrubs and rocky hillsides in the valley of Radnice creek in Rokycany region, which are home to many rare species of insects, including two Europe-wide protected large blues, Maculinea.

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Krajina útulná / Cozy Landscape – Mosaic of meadows, pastures, ponds and wilderness-like woods in Frýdlant region represents the landscape, as it was some 150 years ago – picturesque and full of life. Cozy landscape is a part of the „Living outdoor museum“ project.

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Kupsova skála/ Kupsa’s Rock – Location of rare mezereon (Daphne mezereum) in Podblanicko region.

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Lipiny – Botanically and entomologically valuable steppe slopes at the edge of the Ždánický Forest in South Moravia.

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Milská stráň/ Milsko Hillside – A forest-steppe slope in Džbán region on the border of Central Bohemia and Ústí regions is known mainly thanks to several thousands of lady orchids (Orchis purpurea). However, a number of other rare and protected plants species grow there.

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Na ostrově/ On an Island – A location rife with juniper in Podblanicko.

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Na pramenech/ On Springs – A small forest bog in Podblanicko, where protected carnivorous round-leaved sundew occur.

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Nad Svitákem/ Above Sviták – A peat meadow with many rare plants and animals in Jihlava region.

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Opičák / Monkey – A former brickyard with numerous lakes and ponds, nowadays covered with a floodplain forest. Offers a significant refuge especially for amphibians and birds inside Liberec agglomeration.

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Ospělov – A wetland meadow in Bouzov highlands in Central Moravia rife with rare bogbean (Menyanthes) and other interesting plants.

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Střelenská louka/ Střelná meadow – One of the last remaining extensively farmed meadows in the Foothills of the Krušné Mountains, in the vicinity of Střelná village. Among other things, the presence of several critically endangered wetland plants is valuable.

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Ščúrnica – The complex of fir-beech and fir forests over a hundred years old in the White Carpathians, which we gradually return back to nature.

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Triangl/Triangle – An interesting piece of nature almost in the middle of Prague. A pond and a wetland with surrounding shrubs are home to dozens of species of animals – especially amphibians and birds

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V Lyngu – A floodplain forest in the floodplain of the River Olza where many rare species of animals (hermit beetle, yellow-bellied toad, common merganser, sea eagle, woodcock…) occur.

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Velká Homolka – An entomologically important hillside with a beautiful view of the Pošumaví Foothills on the outskirts of Vimperk.

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Vlčí hrdlo / Wolf’s throat – Lands near Bzenec on which we are trying to restore original floodplain meadows and an old river arm.

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Zázmoníky – Botanically remarkable forest-steppe slopes in South Moravia, near Hustopeče.

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